Sunday, June 3, 2007


Ok, finally settled on a banner.

glazed donuts have a special place in my heart although some one recently mentioned to me, as I'm biting into one, that they're bad for you. No ISH. I wouldn't be an enjoyable thing if it wasn't so whatev.

after goofing off with Photoshop for awhile, I was sucked in by the America's Next Top Model marathon running on MTV right now. Perfect time to enjoy a few brownie bites*devilish grin* Never will be 5 11" or 98 lbs. so whatev.

checking up with seeing the newest uploads by my SISta's from another mista. Some super talented peoples there.

g0t one page done this weekend. working on another but holding off for my Two Peas order to arrive. wanting to come up with a clever idea to store my 6x12's.....I'm thinking book board, book cloth, and some coptic stitching. haven't done that in awhile and not really sure if it's going to work but whatev.

most over used words today
whatev I'm freakin' dunzo with this stupid laundry that seems to have no end!!!

funny how you come up with quirky, clever words when you in a group like SIS. ;)


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