Monday, July 9, 2007

What a weekend.....I hope to never open a paint can for a very long time. So sick of painting and the mess.....ugh. Hopefully I can get everything put back together by the end of this week. Yep, I went boring beige.....Iced Latte to be exact. I change my mind so frequently when it comes to decor so I need a neutral backdrop. I though about doing an accent wall but my living/dining/kitchen is all connected and it just wouldn't look right. Wish I was cool like Alison and did something like this but it just doesn't go with the vibe of my home. I'll pull in some color with artwork and pictures. Notice how my older dog was not bothered by all the mayhem. She's was as comfy as she normally would be. The other one, not so much.

So now it's new light fixtures, switch plates, and artwork. That she spruce up the place enough for my Aunt, who will be here in 3 weeks. Wanted to tackle the bathroom but don't think that'll happen. I'll just give it a good cleaning.

I was a bit grumpy by the end of the weekend being that I only got about an hour of scrap time in. I've got kits still in boxes that I want to play with. That's my plan tonight along with a couple loads of laundry.

I'm jumping in with 7 randoms-----

1. I'm obsessed with loose fitting shirts. I bought 3 of the same shirt at Express, all different colors.
2. I secretly want to become part of some design team to get my mind off other things that are going on.
3. I love breakfast HotPockets.
4. I'm wearing Stella perfume.
5. I'm also wearing cords which I hate to do in the summer but I did not have one pair of clean pants for work. I'm not kidding when I say I have no clean clothes right now. I wore my husbands boxers to bed last night.
6. I daydream when my boss is talking to me.....not all the time but this morning I did.
7. I always wear 2 rings. My wedding ring and my silver band from Fancy that's printed with the words Rock On. I got the ring in Seattle a few years's my fav piece of jewelery besides my tiny wedding ring.

Oh and to the morning crew at Starbucks, please don't put my peice of raspberry loaf cake frosting side down in the bag. I can't be caught licking frosting off a bag in the office. Thank you.


michelle said...

i need to get painting myself and i am a total neutral person myself, but only cause my husband and i cannot agree on any colors..

Vee said...

lol you are too funny, I hate it when they do that
me licks the bag too :) ha!!!